5 Easy and Inexpensive Ways to Save on Your Energy Bill

Have you felt the heat? Those scorching dog days of summer have officially hit in north metro Atlanta, temperatures have been on the rise and unfortunately, so are the electric bills! Here are five ways to save on your electric bills that don’t break the bank.

Use Ceiling Fans

Turn it on! The ceiling fan, that is. According to energystar.gov, using a ceiling fan in conjunction with the air conditioning system can allow you to raise the temperature about 4 degrees without feeling any discomfort.

Toss out Old Filters

Toss it out! When is the last time your filter was changed? The single most effective way a homeowner can affect the air in their home is by changing filters. Not only will this keep the dust down and make it easier to breath, but a dirty filter will reduce the air flow, impacting the amount of cool air being provided and the humidity being removed. Therefore, the system will have to work harder to keep you comfortable.

Give Your System a Tune Up

Tune it up! A system tune up can identify not only energy robbing issues such as; weak electrical components draining more power than necessary, dirty coils blocking air flow from removing heat or low refrigerant levels creating inadequate cooling, but also, potential items that will keep you from a failure when you need the air conditioner the most

Update your Thermostat

Trade up! Is your thermostat still in the dark ages? Today’s thermostats can do a lot more than just turn on and off the heating and cooling in your home. They can self-adjust when you come and go, be changed from anywhere via the web or even your voice. To fancy? At least have a programmable thermostat and use it for the best balance of comfort and savings.

Close Blinds and Shades

Turn them down! The cheapest and easiest of them all! Closing the blinds and shades during the day blocks the Sun’s radiant heat from raising the temperature inside, in turn, the system will run less. If you are home during the day angle the blinds at a 45 degree angle. This will allow light in and block some of the invading rays of the sun.

If your air conditioning units could use a tune-up, replacement, or you just want to get a professional opinion on your system, please don’t hesitate to contact us.